Women’s Fashion Brand SSUMJ reaches 17 countries with Cafe24

What is the secret of SSUMJ, a woman’s fashion brand, to keep customers coming back and sell in four languages in 17 countries? Here’s a success story of Seunghwan Lee, CEO of SSUMJ with Cafe24.


#. Intro

“Our co-CEO Ina Jang has long been the only model to represent our brand. So customers tend to equate our brand with her.

We believe that our customers visit our site to shop for more than just clothes – they come to partake in CEO Jang’s lifestyle.

I am Seunghwan Lee, CEO of women’s fashion brand SSUMJ.”

#1. Company Overview

“SSUMJ’s target market is women in their 30s and 40s. We make comfortable yet stylish clothing. We aim to create high-quality and affordable clothes.

Our own label is our biggest strength.”

[INSERT CUT] “The fabric seems nice.”

“Our private label products are only available on SSUMJ. The fit and design of our clothes are made with our customers’ preferences in mind. This is our strong point.”

#2. Company Point 1: CEO Ina Jang

“Co-CEO Jang has been single-handedly modeling for the brand. So naturally, as she matures, our customer base also changes. We have recognized this and are working to better cater to customers in their 30s and 40s.

CEO Jang and I have been married for five years.”

[INSERT CUT] “We are trying to show more of our everyday lives – like what we would wear when we are out with our baby in a stroller, or on a day at the beach with the kids. By showing what we wear in our daily lives, we make ourselves more relatable to customers.”

#3. Company Point 2: Selling in Four Languages in 17 Countries

“We started to sell internationally in 2014. SSUMJ’s store is available in four languages – Korean, English, Japanese, and Chinese. We sell in 17 countries.

We believe that going beyond the domestic market to sell internationally is the trend. So that is how we are expanding our business. Before, we focused primarily on the Asian markets. But we are now expanding with a focus on English-speaking countries like the United States, Canada, Australia, the Philippines, and Singapore.”

#. Outro

“SSUMJ’s secret to keeping customers coming back is honesty. In the clothing business, customers know when you set your prices too high to achieve high margins.

Just like we always have, we want to keep customers’ trust our priority. Our goal is to become a brand that reaches out to customers and becomes a part of their daily lives.”

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