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What is e-commerce localization?

E-commerce localization is the adaptation of an online store to different languages and cultures. A fully localized e-commerce site should be indistinguishable from online stores in that market.

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Translation vs. localization

People often confuse localization with translation, with the latter being the process of communicating a message in another language. While translation is an essential part of creating a global e-commerce site, localization goes further by tailoring an online store according to customers’ cultural context and ensuring its accessibility to the local audience.

E-commerce localization takes all the content of an online business’ storefront and adapts it to resonate with individual target markets anywhere around the globe. It transforms a website or app so that it appears made by and for the local market.

While the strategy involves translating the text into the local language, localization is more about modifying all content to suit a specific market’s interests, events, and behaviors, as well as adopting the locale’s regulations, currencies, measurements, and formatting. It’s also about understanding the cultural differences between markets. Doing so will impact all the content on the localized website, including the type of images used, the way products are displayed, and the amount of text shown.

By localizing all website or app content into different languages and contexts, e-commerce brands can build a strong global business and maximize returns across every market.

Why localize?

Any online business has the potential to reach global audiences. Localization strategies pave the way for a brand towards international success. Here are some reasons Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) brands should consider localizing their websites and apps:

Cafe24 supports business localization

E-commerce platforms have made it easier for businesses to enter the global market, and Cafe24 is no exception. The company has helped merchants in South Korea, Japan, China, Vietnam, and the Philippines broaden their reach. Through Cafe24, merchants interested in business localization have several tools and services available to them that can help with the following:

With the right combination of market research, e-commerce localization tools, and business strategies, Cafe24 merchants have the ability to reach new audiences, penetrate global markets, and achieve worldwide success.