Cafe24 rolls out easy theme-building tool Edibot Themes
Press releaseDrag-and-drop method makes online store designing easy for beginners
500 free design components allow for customized store designs

Global e-commerce platform Cafe24 is rolling out Edibot Themes, a theme-building tool that even beginner DTC merchants without HTML and CSS knowledge can use to customize the design of their online storefronts. Cafe24 announced on July 17 the tool’s simultaneous launch on its Korean and Japanese platforms.
Edibot Themes makes online store theme designing easy through the drag-and-drop method. Merchants can easily drag various design components – or design elements that make up the webpage of a DTC store – with a click of a mouse and drop them in specific placements to instantly complete the store’s design.
Edibot Themes provides 500 free design components, which is the largest collection of design elements provided in the industry. Merchants can combine these components to customize the homepage, product menu bar, product review section, and all the other pages of their online store. Completed designs are automatically optimized for PC and mobile environments.
Cafe24 will be adding more component categories and variety through partnerships with third-party design firms. Also, all components will be provided in the eight different languages that are currently supported by Cafe24 including English, Chinese (Traditional/Simplified), Spanish, and Vietnamese to support online businesses’ global expansion.
Edibot Themes, utilized with Cafe24’s existing AI-based tools Edibot and Edibot Banner, enables merchants to edit their store themes according to seasons and trends whenever they want. Such design flexibility can significantly minimize editing costs and time.
Sangdu Jeong, AI Platform Development Chief of Cafe24, stated, “Edibot Themes will ease the pressure for merchants regarding the design aspects of the business.” He added, “Cafe24 will continuously strive for operational efficiency so that online businesses can focus on enhancing product competitiveness.”
About Cafe24
Cafe24 is a global success platform that provides a one-stop business environment for e-commerce merchants so that they can achieve continued growth by focusing on their creativity. Cafe24 has established an e-commerce ecosystem with 1.7 million Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) merchants and various global partners in areas like payment, shipping, and marketing. Cafe24 is poised for growth as more DTC brands and e-commerce participants continue to join the burgeoning industry.
About Edibot
Cafe24’s Edibot presents a series of AI-based content creation and editing tools specifically designed for online businesses. Edibot launched in 2018 as a service that utilizes AI to instantly create product detail pages for online stores. Since then, Cafe24 has rolled out more tools to make running an online store easier. Edibot Themes makes online store template editing easy with the drag-and-drop method. Edibot Banner helps create and edit web ad banners. Edibot Fit automatically inserts relevant size charts in a suitable language under the product details section. Edibot Review creates digital content based on customer reviews.